The post-Kaleckian growth model was developed by Bhaduri and Marglin (1990) and others to synthesise Marxian and Keynesian ideas about the effects of income distribution on economic growth.1 According to the Marxian view, capital accumulation is driven by profits. By contrast, Michal Kalecki and post-Keynesians such as Nicholas Kaldor argued that a redistribution of income towards profit-earners is likely to reduce consumption, as workers tend to have a higher marginal propensity to consume than capital owners. The post-Kaleckian growth model integrates these two mechanisms in a Keynesian framework in which aggregate demand and growth are demand-determined. It allows for wage-led as well as profit-led demand and growth regimes. In a wage-led regime, a redistribution of income towards workers has expansionary effects on aggregate demand (and possibly growth) as the expansionary effect on consumption outweighs the negative effect on investment. In a profit-led regime, the effect is contradictory as investment falls by more than consumption rises. Whether a regime is wage- or profit-led depends on the relative size of the propensities to consume and the propensity to invest.
This is a model of long-run steady state growth. In the steady state, all endogenous variables grow at the same rate.2 Changes in parameters or exogenous variables lead to an instantaneous adjustment of the model’s variables, so that the model can be analysed like a static one. We consider a version of the model with linear functions based on Hein (2014), chap. 7.2.2.
where \(r\), \(s\), \(c\), \(g\), and \(u\) are the profit rate, the saving rate, the consumption rate, the investment rate, and the rate of capacity utilisation, respectively.
Equation 8.1 decomposes the profit rate into the product of the profit share \(h\) (total profits over total output), the rate of capacity utilisation (actual output over potential output), and the inverse of \(v\) (the capital-potential output ratio). Let \(Y\) be output, \(K\) be the capital stock, and \(Y^P\) be potential output, the decomposition can also be written as \(r=\frac{\Pi}{K}=\frac{\Pi}{Y}\frac{Y}{Y^P}\frac{Y^P}{K}\). The profit share and the capital-potential output ratio are taken to be exogenous in this model. Note also that the wage share is given by \(1-h\). By Equation 8.2, the economy-wide saving rate is given by the sum of saving out of wages (\(s_W(1-h)\frac{u}{v}\)) and saving out of profits (\(s_\Pi h\frac{u}{v}\)). It is assumed that workers have a higher marginal propensity to consume than capital owners (\(s_W>s_\Pi\)). Equation 8.3 simply states that consumption is income not saved. According to Equation 8.3, investment is determined by an autonomous component \(g_0\) that may capture Keynesian `animal spirits’, by the rate of capacity utilisation, and by the profit share. While the rate of capacity utilisation is a signal of (future) demand, the profit share may stimulate investment as internal funds are typically the cheapest source of finance. Finally, Equation 8.5 is an equilibrium condition that assumes that the rate of capacity utilisation adjusts to clear the goods market.
The key question addressed by this model is a how a change in the profit share affects the rate of capacity utilisation and the rate of growth.3 As shown formally in the analytical discussion below, there is no unambiguous answer to this question as the model encompasses different regimes. Three main regimes can be identified. First, a regime in which both the rate of utilisation and the rate of growth are negatively affected by an increase in the profit share. We will call this a wage-led demand and growth regime (WLD/WLG). Second, a regime in which the rate of utilisation is negatively affected and the rate of growth is positively affected by an increase in the profit share. We will call this a wage-led demand regime and profit-led growth regime (WLD/PLG). Third, a regime in which both the rate of utilisation and the rate of growth are positively affected by an increase in the profit share. We will call this a profit-led demand and growth regime (PLD/PLG).
Table 1 reports the parameterisation used in the simulation. We will consider three different parameterisations that represent the three regimes outlined above. For each of these regimes, there is a baseline scenario and a scenario in which the profit share (\(h\)) rises. This allows to assess the effects on the model’s endogenous variables for the different regimes.
Table 1: Parameterisation
1a: baseline WLD/WLG
1b: rise in profit share (\(h\))
2a: baseline WLD/PLG
2b: rise in profit share (\(h\))
3a: baseline PLD/PLG
3b: rise in profit share (\(h\))
Simulation code
#Clear the environmentrm(list=ls(all=TRUE))# Set number of scenarios (including baselines)S=6#Create vector in which equilibrium solutions from different parameterisations will be storedu_star=vector(length=S)# utilisation rateg_star=vector(length=S)# growth rate of capital stocks_star=vector(length=S)# saving ratec_star=vector(length=S)# consumption rater_star=vector(length=S)# profit rate# Set exogenous variables whose parameterisation changes across regimes g0=vector(length=S)# animal spiritssw=vector(length=S)# propensity to save out of wages h=vector(length=S)# profit shareg1=vector(length=S)# sensitivity of investment with respect to utilisation### Construct different scenarios across 3 regimes: (1) WLD/WLG, (2) WLD/PLG, (3) PLD/PLG # baseline WLD/WLGg0[1]=0.02g1[1]=0.1h[1]=0.2# increase in profit share in WLD/WLG regimeg0[2]=0.02g1[2]=0.1h[2]=0.3# baseline WLD/PLGg0[3]=0.02g1[3]=0.08h[3]=0.2# increase in profit share in WLD/PLG regimeg0[4]=0.02g1[4]=0.08h[4]=0.3# baseline PLD/PLGg0[5]=-0.01g1[5]=0.1h[5]=0.2# increase in profit share in PLD/PLG regimeg0[6]=-0.01g1[6]=0.1h[6]=0.3#Set constant parameter valuesv=3# capital-to-potential output ratiog2=0.1# sensitivity of investment with respect to profit sharesp=0.9# propensity to save out of profitssw=0.3# propensity to save out of wages#Check Keynesian stability condition for all scenariosfor(iin1:S){print(((sw+(sp-sw)*h[i])*(1/v)-g1[i])>0)}
# Initialise endogenous variables at some arbitrary positive value g=1r=1c=1u=1s=1#Solve this system numerically through 1000 iterations based on the initialisationfor(iin1:S){for(iterationsin1:1000){#(1) Profit rater=(h[i]*u)/v#(2) Savings=(sw+(sp-sw)*h[i])*(u/v)#(3) Consumptionc=u/v-s#(4) Investmentg=g0[i]+g1[i]*u+g2*h[i]#(5) Rate of capacity utilisationu=v*(c+g)}#Save results for different parameterisations in vectoru_star[i]=ug_star[i]=gr_star[i]=rs_star[i]=sc_star[i]=c}
Python code
import numpy as np# Set number of scenarios (including baselines)S =6# Create arrays to store equilibrium solutions for different parameterizationsu_star = np.zeros(S)g_star = np.zeros(S)s_star = np.zeros(S)c_star = np.zeros(S)r_star = np.zeros(S)# Set exogenous variables whose parameterization changes across regimesg0 = np.zeros(S)sw = np.zeros(S)h = np.zeros(S)g1 = np.zeros(S)# Construct different scenarios across 3 regimes# Regime 1: WLD/WLGg0[0] =0.02g1[0] =0.1h[0] =0.2# Regime 2: Increase in profit share in WLD/WLG regimeg0[1] =0.02g1[1] =0.1h[1] =0.3# Regime 3: WLD/PLGg0[2] =0.02g1[2] =0.08h[2] =0.2# Regime 4: Increase in profit share in WLD/PLG regimeg0[3] =0.02g1[3] =0.08h[3] =0.3# Regime 5: PLD/PLGg0[4] =-0.01g1[4] =0.1h[4] =0.2# Regime 6: Increase in profit share in PLD/PLG regimeg0[5] =-0.01g1[5] =0.1h[5] =0.3# Set constant parameter valuesv =3# capital-to-potential output ratiog2 =0.1# sensitivity of investment with respect to profit sharesp =0.9# propensity to save out of profitssw =0.3# propensity to save out of wages# Check Keynesian stability condition for all scenariosfor i inrange(S):print(((sw + (sp - sw) * h[i]) * (1/ v) - g1[i]) >0)# Check demand and growth regime for 3 baseline scenariosfor i in [0, 2, 4]:print(f"Parameterization {i+1} yields:")# Check demand regimeif g2 * (sw / v - g1[i]) - g0[i] * (sp - sw) / v <0:print("Wage-led demand regime")else:print("Profit-led demand regime")# Check growth regimeif g1[i] * (g2 * (sw / v - g1[i]) - g0[i] * (sp - sw) / v) + g2 * (((sw + (sp - sw) * h[i]) * v**(-1) - g1[i])**2) <0:print("Wage-led growth regime")else:print("Profit-led growth regime")# Initialize endogenous variables at an arbitrary positive valueg = r = c = u = s =1# Solve the system numerically through 1000 iterations based on the initializationfor i inrange(S):for iterations inrange(1000):# (1) Profit rate r = (h[i] * u) / v# (2) Saving s = (sw + (sp - sw) * h[i]) * (u / v)# (3) Consumption c = u / v - s# (4) Investment g = g0[i] + g1[i] * u + g2 * h[i]# (5) Rate of capacity utilization u = v * (c + g)# Save results for different parameterizations in vectors u_star[i] = u g_star[i] = g r_star[i] = r s_star[i] = s c_star[i] = c
Figures Figure 8.1 - Figure 8.4 depict the response of the model’s key endogenous variables to changes in the profit share. In the first case of a wage-led demand and growth regime (WLD/WLG), investment is equally sensitive to a change in the rate of capacity utilisation (\(g_1\)) and a change in the profit share (\(g_2\)). A rise in the profit share reduces consumption, which reduces the rate of capacity utilisation and the rate of growth. This is despite a positive effect on the profit rate.4
In the second case where the demand regime is wage-led but the growth regime is profit-led (WLD/PLG), investment is slightly less sensitive to a change in the rate of capacity utilisation compared to a change in the profit share. The rise in the profit share reduces consumption and the rate of utilisation, but the ultimate effect on investment is positive because investment reacts more strongly to the rise in the profit share than to the fall in demand.
Finally, in the third case where the demand regime and the growth regime are profit-led, investment is again equally sensitive to a change in the rate of capacity utilisation and to a change in the profit share, but now animal spirits are negative. A rise in the profit share now has strong positive effects on investment, which raises the rate of capacity utilisation and consumption.
# Plot results (here only for rate of capacity utilisation) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Scenario labelsscenario_names = ["1a: baseline WLD/WLG", "1b: rise prof share", "2a: baseline WLD/PLG", "2b: rise prof share", "3a: baseline PLD/PLG", "3b: rise prof share"]# Bar plot for, u_star)plt.ylabel('u')plt.xticks(scenario_names, rotation=45, fontsize=6)
Directed graph
Another perspective on the model’s properties is provided by its directed graph. A directed graph consists of a set of nodes that represent the variables of the model. Nodes are connected by directed edges. An edge directed from a node \(x_1\) to node \(x_2\) indicates a causal impact of \(x_1\) on \(x_2\).
Figure 8.5: Directed graph of post-Kaleckian growth model
Python code
# Load relevant librariesimport networkx as nximport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as np# Define the Jacobian matrixM_mat = np.array([[0,1,1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,1,1], [0,1,1,0,0,0], [0,0,1,1,0,0], [0,1,1,0,0,0], ])# Create adjacency matrix from transpose of auxiliary Jacobian and add column namesA_mat = M_mat.transpose()# Create the graph from the adjacency matrixG = nx.DiGraph(A_mat)# Define node labelsnodelabs = {0: "r", 1: "h", 2: "u", 3: "s", 4: "c", 5: "g"}# Plot the directed graphpos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=43) nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, labels=nodelabs, node_size=300, node_color='lightblue', font_size=10)edge_labels = {(u, v): ''for u, v in G.edges}nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_color='black')plt.axis('off')
In Figure Figure 8.5, it can be seen that the profit share (\(h\)) is the key exogenous variable of the model.5 Consumption (\(c\)), saving (\(s\)), investment (\(g\)), and the rate of utilisation (\(u\)) form a closed loop (or cycle) within the system. The profit share affects both saving and investment, which in turn affect consumption and the rate of capacity utilisation. The profit rate is a residual variable (also called a `sink’) in this model.
Analytical discussion
To find the equilibrium solutions, substitute Equation 8.2 - Equation 8.4 into Equation 8.5 and solve for \(u\): \[\begin{align}
u^* = \frac{g_0+g_2h}{[s_W + (s_\Pi - s_W)h]v^{-1}-g_1}.
The equilibrium solution for \(u\) can then be substituted into Equation 8.4 to find: \[\begin{align}
g^* = \frac{(g_0+g_2h)[s_W + (s_\Pi - s_W)h]v^{-1}}{[s_W + (s_\Pi - s_W)h]v^{-1}-g_1}.
The Keynesian stability condition requires \([s_W + (s_\Pi - s_W)h]v^{-1}-g_1>0\), i.e. saving need to react more strongly to income than investment.
The equilibrium solution for \(r\) can be found by substituting \(u^*\) into Equation 8.1: \[\begin{align}
r^* = \frac{h(g_0+g_2h)}{[s_W + (s_\Pi - s_W)h]-vg_1}.
To assess whether the demand regime is wage- or profit-led, take the derivative of \(u^*\) with respect to \(h\): \[\begin{align}
\frac{\partial u^*}{\partial h} = \frac{\frac{s_W}{v}(g_0+g_2 )-(g_0\frac{s_\Pi}{v} + g_1g_2)}{[[s_W + (s_\Pi - s_W)h]v^{-1}-g_1]^2}.
It can be seen that, e.g., a higher propensity to save out of wages or negative animal spirits make the regime more likely to be profit-led.
By the same token, the sign of the derivative of \(g^*\) with respect to \(h\) determines whether the growth regime is wage- or profit-led: \[\begin{align}
\frac{\partial g^*}{\partial h} = g_1\frac{\partial u^*}{\partial h}+g_2.
It can be seen that, e.g., a higher sensitivity of investment with respect to the profit share makes the regime more likely to be profit-led.
Finally, the effect on the profit rate will depend on the sign of the derivative: \[\begin{align}
\frac{\partial r^*}{\partial h} = \frac{u^*}{v} + \frac{h}{v}\frac{\partial u^*}{\partial h},
which is likely to be positive but can become negative if the demand regime is strongly wage-led.
# Utilisation ratefor i inrange(S):print((g0[i]+g2*h[i])/((sw+(sp-sw)*h[i])/v-g1[i]))# Growth ratefor i inrange(S):print(((g0[i]+g2*h[i])*(sw+(sp-sw)*h[i])/v)/((sw+(sp-sw)*h[i])/v-g1[i]))# Profit ratefor i inrange(S):print((g0[i]+g2*h[i])*(h[i]/v)/((sw+(sp-sw)*h[i])/v-g1[i]))
Bhaduri, Amit, and Stephen Marglin. 1990. “Unemployment and the Real Wage: The Economic Basis for Contesting Political Ideologies.”Cambridge Journal of Economics 14 (4): 375–93.
Hein, Eckhard. 2014. Distribution and Growth After Keynes: A Post-Keynesian Guide. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Lavoie, Marc. 2014. Post-Keynesian Economics: New Foundations. Cheltenham; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
See Hein (2014), chap. 7 and Lavoie (2014), chap. 6 for detailed treatments.↩︎
All variables are normalised by the capital stock and thus rendered stationary.↩︎
Bhaduri and Marglin (1990) further discuss the effects on the profit rate.↩︎
If the negative effect on the rate of capacity utilisation was stronger, the profit rate could fall as well. See the analytical discussion for a formal derivation of the condition under which this may happen.↩︎
Other important exogenous variables or parameters that may shift but are not depicted here are animal spirits (\(g_0\)) or the saving propensities (\(s_W, s_\Pi\)). See Hein (2014), chap. 7.2.2, for a detailed discussion of their effects.↩︎